Saturday, December 18, 2010


I painted this mini up a while ago, I was trying to organise a vehicle for him but too many things have gotten in the way, so I decided to post him up, the vehicle will come later, as most of you will probably recognise him, he is a Hasslefree miniature, and I have painted him up as a sheriff, armed with a pump action shotgun and a 9mm pistol in the holster.

I believe the miniature's Hasslefree name is Ken ? but to me he has a real Vin Diesel feel about him, a nicely sculpted miniature with nice detail and a little prep work involved as the arms and gun come seperate to the rest of the torso, overall a great miniature, and lets face it, a cop with a shot gun, thats a classic party member to have in a Zombie Apocalypse, right?


The Angry Lurker said...

Very nice paintjob,have a painted version myself.

colinmnash said...

Very nicely done Sir! I don't have that figure myself, but based on your figure - and your comments, after all what party is complete without a cop with a shotgun! - I might just have to get it!

The Extraordinarii said...

@Lurker - Thanks man.

@Nash - Yeah, its a good buy, for a much needed party member.

Vampifan said...

You just can't go wrong with Hasslefree's adventurers and this is a great figure to use in any zombie apocalypse game. I bought two of them so that I could use both arm and weapon options.

The Extraordinarii said...

@Vamp - lol good idea Vampifan, I dont mind the old police torch pistol pose.